An Outfit That Updates Your Facebook!
Hate having to stop in your tracks to update your status? Well now you don’t have to. This special outfit lets you do it by using certain gestures. You have to be careful though or you could end up deleting every friend you have or leave very misleading messages that could get you in trouble so be sure you know the moves well!
For instance you can put your hand on your hood will send messages and status updates to your account.
There are many, many gestures you can use to send commands to your account, but you must be careful and learn all of them perfectly or you could really do some damage! Tapping your shoulder will notify your friends of your presence, and you can even customise special messages for certain groups and assign them different gestures so they go to the right place.
This Ping Facebook fashion was designed by Jennifer Darmour, using Lilypad and Lilypad Xbee – the Arduino-based microcontroller design for wearables.