iPhone App To Remind Women To Check For Breast Cancer!
It is international breast cancer awareness month and with 1 in 9 women in the UK getting breast cancer in their lifetime there is no better time to start checking. However if you need a reminder, like so many of us need to do important things like these then you can download this great FREE iPhone app to help.
The app will help make women more aware and could really make a difference. The app includes a breast check video to show you how to correctly check and what you need to look out for, allows you to set your own personal reminders, and a risk report to assess how your lifestyle could affect your chances in getting it.
The actress and singer, Bernie Nolan, who is currently being treated for the disease, commented, “This is an incredible development from Breakthrough Breast Cancer, I only wish it had been thought of sooner. The earlier breast cancer is found, the better the chance of beating it, which is why I would urge every woman to get into the habit of checking themselves following Breakthrough Breast Cancer’s simple Touch Look Check message – it could make all the difference.”