Jimmy Choo 24:7 Collection Launched
Jimmy Choo, a name that has become as infamous and wanted as the likes of Dior and Chanel. This year not only are they creating their Spring Summer 2010 line but also, Jimmy Choo 24:7. Tamara Mellon describes the shoes in this collection as her favourite styles that she has made for the everyday women.
The concept behind Choo 24:7, was to find shoes for everyday use. That women would be able to dress up a little black dress with a classic pair of heels or a comfortable pair of flats before a night out! Being branded as the Jimmy Choo women’s best friend that can take them from day to evening, 7 days a week. “This is the definitive assortment of iconic Jimmy Choo shapes: The ‘Icons’,the ‘Perfect Platforms’, the ‘Perfect Pointy-toe Pump’, the ‘PerfectRound-toe Pump’, the ‘Perfect Flat’, the ‘Perfect Wedge’ and the ‘Perfect Evening'”
Here are some of Jimmy Choo’s and our favourite collections below:
Quiet Collection
Quiet as they are named are the same style shoe but the are the iconic peep toe platform. Being the same style they come in different patterns and material so once you find the pair that are right for your feet, you have endless choices!
Clue Collection
Clue are a variation of the classic peeptoe platform! They are the sling back platform, coming in all different styles my personal favourite being patent. With shoes like this you are able to wear them to work or wear them on a night out. The amazing thing that platforms can bring you is not only height! But also the platform at the front makes them a lot more comfortable on your feet.
Private Collection
Described by Jimmy Choo as the ‘The Perfect Statement Sandal’ the style of the two layers is coming in from last season and it’s not going any where fast! The good thing about shoes like this and how they have carried on from another season shows that they will last the test of time.
One of the points of these shoes that Jimmy Choo have wanted to express is that they will stand the test of time be it design or wear. Every women needs their safety shoes that go with every outfit and every occasion. With each of these styles being in different patterns or materials you are able to buy more than one pair!
Finley Collection
Flats can also be a girl’s best friend, and with Jimmy Choo 24:7 they have gone from all heights in flats which can also be dressed up. With the flat on the floor shoes such as Finlay, they are glittery and flat but with a minor heel to make your outfit just a little bit more dressed up than your average pair! So far there are only four styles for flat shoes, but they are still shoes that will last in your wardrobe forever.
When looking at all the shoes in the Jimmy Choo 24:7 collection, you can see that they are trying to incorporate the everyday women and her lifestyle when designing the shoes. Not only are they everlasting but they are going to be around forever. They will defiantly be on my wish list with the excuse that they can last forever, why not put them on yours!