Raise Your Hand to Now! Convince the UN to Make Educating Girls Priority

Submitted by on Thursday, 20 September 2012 | No Comment

From an early age we start our education as soon as we leave our mother’s womb. Exposed to and feeding in all the information around us. Then a more structured education is given to us as we attend nursery, primary school, secondary school and for some us college or university.

We often assume that everyone else is getting the same foundational building blocks as us. Regardless of race, religion, culture or gender the educational system in the UK is the same for everyone but sometimes we take it for granted.

The other day a video which I was watching made a little emotional. Why? Because it is a story of Freida, a girl born into one of the poorest regions of the world is one of the most disadvantaged people on the planet. But if you give girls access to a good education, it has a profound and proven effect. With education, a girl in the developing world will have higher self-esteem, gain essential life skills, will marry later and have healthier children. What’s more, she will be able to pass on the benefit of her education to her children and the generation that follows. Such a simple solution to the complex problem of poverty!

And yet, unbelievably 75 million girls are currently being denied access to an education, simply because they are girls! If we’re going to make a difference we need your readers and their friends to join Freida on Facebook in raising their hand in support of this cause at http://www.raiseyourhandnow.com. All it takes is the click of a button. We need 1 million people to raise their hand by October 11th, the International Day of the Girl, so we can convince the UN to make educating girls a priority.

Check out the video below…

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