Sponsored: Data Snatchers – Is Your Shopping Safe from the Internet Thieves?
I don’t about you but I use the Internet for practically everything. From shopping to social networking, I am constantly on the web, however whether you’re like me and permanently glued to your PC/Phone or don’t use it as often as that I think it is safe to say that you are not far from the wrath of the data snatchers.
I don’t mean the kind that rummage through your dustbins, I mean those pesky cyber criminals that enjoy stealing your personal data and using it for their own malicious purposes.
So, OK you might be thinking you’ve heard it all before, but check out the videos below and scarily you will see how popular street magician, Dynamo manages to swindle peoples cash, access their Facebook and obtain their credit card details! I know it might look like it’s all a bit hocus pocus but this is exactly the rate a qualified data snatcher takes to obtain your sensitive and personal information:
Dynamo Swindles Peoples Cash
Dynamo Accesses People’s Facebook
Dynamo Obtains Credit Card Details
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