Meet the Fashion Blogger: Becca of Fashion-Train
Becca of popular blog Fashion-Train has her finger on the pulse of fashion.
A teenager and student from Manchester, she knows all about the latest trends, the latest highstreet buys and the latest designer collections, and not only that, but she knows what looks good which enables her to dress enviably fashionable everyday.
Fashion-Train has over 800 followers and over 100,000 unique visitors since it’s creation. We spoke to the oh so stylish Becca about her fashion blog, her style and her fashion inspirations.
Styleclone: When did you first become interested in fashion and why?
Becca: “It must have been about 4 years ago. I came across Vogue and loved fashion from then on. I got an Elle subscription and have been a loyal subscriber ever since!”
Styleclone: Why did you decide to start a fashion blog?
Becca: “My uncle made a blog to show us what he was up to (because he lives abroad). So I thought a blog is just a website really, so I made an account myself and wrote about fashion, and little did i know, blogs were the next big thing!”
Styleclone: How do you keep your blog fresh and exciting?
Becca: “Write about the latest trends, read the latest fashion magazines. Put your own personal imput on everything and experiment. YOU are your OWN boss with blogging, there is no-one to tell you what to do!”
Styleclone: What is it about your blog that keeps people coming back?
Becca: “I have no idea really. Maybe they are inspired by me? I’m not sure. I just post my views on fashion, I suppose if they like my views they’ll come back and read my blog again!”
Styleclone: Which blogs do you visit regularly and take inspiration from?
Becca: “I don’t so much take inspiration from other blogs, I write about my own views, something unique, not what all the blogs are writing about. But I do enjoy reading some, like and ItsFashionDamnit.
Styleclone: What is your favourite thing about Fashion Train?
Becca: “I suppose it’s the fact that I can post about what ever I like to do with fashion, and the name of my blog! It used to be called ‘fashionistageekly’ but I changed it one day. I had no idea how I thought of the name, but I’m glad I did!”
Styleclone: Will Fashion Train always be a hobby for you or do you intend to work on it full time?
Becca: “I started my blog for fun, as none of my friends are interested in fashion the way I am, I never dreamed of it as becoming a bit like a profession. But it’s amazing to be doing something you love so much and earning some money through advertising from it!”
Styleclone: How would you describe your style?
Becca: “My style I’d say, is Indie and Girly and a mixture of the nautical/tailored look too. It’s a real good mixture of styles and I love everything stripey and floral!”
Styleclone: What is your favourite outfit you’ve featured on the site?
Becca: “Probably my prom dress, or the most recent Desire Clothing dress in the style of Taylor Swift, I loved that outfit!”
Styleclone: Who is your style inspiration?
Becca: “I love looking at people on the street similar to my age what they are wearing, but I also love what Taylor Momsen and Alexa Chung wear.
Styleclone: What is your favourite store?
Becca: “I love my online shopping more now, so my online shops are Desire Clothing and Chiara Fashion. Instore I like New Look, H&M, Miss Selfridge and Topshop!
Styleclone: What current fashion trend are you loving at the moment? And what are you hating?
Becca: “I love the bodycon skirt trend, I have about 5 of the skirts right now! And I’m not keen on the tailored shorts look.”
Styleclone: Do you think everyone can be fashionable?
Becca: “I think they can be fashionable as long as they in-corporate the latest trends with their own personal style.”